Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Such excitement!

After a relative lull, due to near complete burn-out (too much school followed by too much work and too little money all around), I am again indulging in extracurricular events which I will surely miss once I've left DC.

Yesterday I had the most fabulous opportunity yet -- a meeting at Americans for the Arts, and the chance to meet and talk with some mighty impressive staff: Director of Federal Affairs, the Local Arts Agency Services Coordinator, and the Arts Education Manager. Among others in Membership, Marketing, Research and Events. Long story short, I think I figured out what I'd like to do when I grow up. And I'm totally excited that someone back home set up the Emerging Leaders network in Eugene; sweeeeeet!

This afternoon, I attended a forum of the Museum Education Roundtable, titled "Museums and Schools: Compelling Collaborations and Perplexing Partnerships." VERY interesting, although of nearly equal interest was the setting -- the National Museum of Crime and Punishment. This is also the set of "America's Most Wanted," and several displays are dedicated to John Walsh.

So, Museums and Schools. Can I just reiterate that the Phillips Collection is incroyable? Today's forum was based on an upcoming issue of Museum Education; we heard three case studies of great museum-school partnership programs. The Phillips Collection's Jacob Lawrence Migration Series Program is just so great, and through, and I took many notes so as not to forget names like the Institute for Innovative Learning...

I smell a possible research re-re-proposal a-brewin'...


  1. What are you going to be when you grow up? And can you please inform me as to how I can also discover what I will be when I grow up?

    Thank you,


  2. Me too, me too! Yeah, you can't tantalize us like that and not tell us what your dream career is.
